You know at the end of the movie when they sometimes run a reel of bloopers or out-takes? Or maybe they act out something super silly and just tack it on after the credits to reward everyone for staying through to the very, very end? Well, we have a bunch of photos that maybe weren’t classy enough (what? Us? Not classy? Hah!) to make it into any of our Tanzania blogs. In some cases, maybe we already had too many pictures or maybe it was just a goofy photo and we couldn’t figure out where to put it. Still, I love them and can’t resist putting them up for you to enjoy…even if there’s no particular story connecting them…just fun photos from TZ.
Ohhh, the patterns:
No matter what, just keep carrying on…
Truly random things:

When life gives you lemons…make a homemade pot for them! (These are actually oranges, I think.) Made by Nathan.

Gotta say this is a great international ad campaign. In Seattle they say, “Have a Coke with Mike and Jennifer”. In Central/South America they say, “Have a Coke with Jose and Maria.” And in TZ they say, “Have a Coke with Salum and Peter…and Mohamed, Salime, and Happy.”

Just for Ben and Morgan because we KNOW you will love seeing the word “Kaka” in print. In Swahili it means “brother” and since you’re brothers you should have a Coke with your Kaka.
Oh the places we went!

Stopped at this Greek Orthodox church during one of David’s tours of Tanga. The priest insisted on putting on his long black robe before letting us inside. Couldn’t resist matching it’s blue and white with the puffy clouds and blue sky.

Another picture that I like. This forest is owned by the Amboni Corportation – but the people of Amboni get nothing from it. There was a lot of this sort of thing in TZ and it’s one thing we really disliked.

BRIIIIDGE! Thankfully this bridge has been replaced because those aren’t puddles, those are holes and most of the bolts have been stolen off the bridge. Still, Aaron couldn’t resist going across…

Coconut shells washed up on the shore like drift wood. The hostal staff scoops them up and removes them regularly otherwise the beach would be solid coconuts!
It was the people who really made the trip special!

Pull out a camera in a primary school and kids go wild! We did it every chance we could. Looking back, I hope the teachers don’t hate us!

One of the women from the Business (tie-dye) Seminar. I just love how she looks.

Making chipati. This woman was incredibly welcoming and let us take photos of her at work…many people don’t agree to photos or want to be paid. Not only did she say yes, but she got out a new piece of dough and started rolling it out so the picture would be good.

These ADORABLE little childen ran into our hotel lobby in Arusha and (I believe on a dare) one of them touched me. When neither of us burst into flames, the rest rushed in and it was hugs and giggles all the way around. I had the presence of mind to turn on the camera on my tablet just moments before the hotel staff broke up the fun.
And now, the Goofball Collection.

Fresh picked coconut, husked and then cut open. We drank the milk and then using a coconut slice we scooped out the meat. It was ga-oood! David, Aaron and I all sat in a row on a log out in a forested area in rural TZ and had a coconut break, like you might have a coffee break.

See Ladies, this is why you should just walk away…you don’t want to deal with this, do you? I didn’t think so.

Our friend Vicky gives me a new fancy braid in front of Ruth Place. That’s where I learned beauty DOES have a price.

Yes, it’s a hand-made hollowed out wood canoe, but what’s so great is David’s expression. You see he’s humoring us at that very moment. He’s watching me like a hawk because not five seconds earlier I fell over nearly breaking somebody’s canoe, to speak nothing of my own body. He’s always a polite and professional guide and is clearly just sort of putting up with Aaron and I and our need to try and take a funny picture that will go viral on FB (but never does).
Love the pics and the goofs in them LOL
fun_, fun_, fun
fun to see
Fun pictures! What a wonderful adventure you are having! Thanks for sharing with us!
Cute goofballs!!! Safe adventures ahead!
Goof balls. You two? Gee, I remember you always being so serious on safari. Okay, okay. I’m lying. Goof balls you are and I love you for it. PS. Anner, he is indeed a handsome devil.