Watch This : A Quick Post – Mendoza, Argentina
Sometimes we are lucky enough in our travels to stumble upon an artist doing something totally unique (well, we haven’t seen anything like it at least). Meet Leandro Poroyan. Leandro is a lifetime Mendozan who makes these wonderful plaques combining repurposed watch pieces and ceramics! He started out years ago as a ceramic artist, but everything changed when he came across a broken clock. He decided to take the clock apart and just see what he could do with the pieces. One piece accidentally got into his ceramics and he was fascinated when he saw it post-firing. Fast forward 20 years and numerous experiments getting the right clay to match with the right watch and clock pieces and you see his amazing designs of today!
You know we can’t buy much due to being on a year-long trip with only carry-on backpacks, but we simply couldn’t pass his work up!
As best I can tell, the watch pieces are put into the ceramic which is then fired, locking the pieces in place. Leandro described it as epoxy rather than ceramic, but it sure seemed like ceramic to me. I’m guessing it was a translation issue. Anyway, he then attaches them to a blackened wood backing and they are ready to go!

Anner and Leandro at his booth. The wind chime on the right, made from watch backs, makes a gorgeous sound!
We talked with Leandro for a good 30 minutes or so about his work and about Mendoza in general. He was simply one of the sweetest souls we’ve met on our trip and it was a pleasure buying one of his works. Thank you, Leandro!
So darn cool. Love all the different types of art work you are running across. I don’t know how you can have any restraint when it comes to purchasing some of these beautiful items — I would have such a problem and lots of extra luggage
Believe us, it’s HARD! Not being able to support the artists we meet by buying their work is really the worst.
If you meet us on the road, though, we promise to load you up with great work to bring home for us! 🙂
Wow! I love quirky works of art, and you guys are finding so many wonderful things! Thanks for sharing with all of us!
It’s been such a highlight – there are simply so many creative people out there!!!
I want the train. Hope you have his address.
Unfortunately just his facebook page – it’s linked in the post. You can see some of his other pieces there, too – he didn’t have any motorcycle pieces when we saw him, but they look great online.
Love this work – you continue to amaze with the people and art and culture you find (am a friend of Joel and Grace). Thank you for sharing such uniquenesses!
We loved it too! It’s been a wonderful trip and it just gets better as we go along. Glad you’re enjoying and thanks for following along!
What a neat piece to add to your collection!