What it Cost: Sweden
Jan 19-22, 2016
<This is a breakdown of the money we spent exclusively in Sweden. This Post will give you the broader look at how we planned, saved, etc. for the trip in general.>
Total Cost: $887.06
Nights in Country: 4
Cost/Day: $221.76
Exchange Rate: 8.58 Swedish Krona = $1 (all amounts are in USD)
Total Per Day
Transportation* $87.06 $21.76
Housing $280.00 $70.00
Food $339.29 $84.82
Entertainment* $171.76 $42.94
Postage $8.94
* A couple of notes and lessons learned in travelling in Sweden
Transportation – We are tracking inter-country transportation separately. In the case of Sweden, we flew from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Stockholm, Sweden for $93.43 on Norwegian Air. Listed costs cover to/from airport.
Entertainment – Entrance fees for two museums as well as our wonderful origami hat-making workshop.