What it Cost: Costa Rica
Nov 6 – 29, 2014
<This is a breakdown of the money we spent exclusively in Costa Rica. This Post will give you the broader look at how we planned, saved, etc. for the trip in general.>
Total Cost $2,892.84
Nights in Country 24
Cost/Day $120.54
Exchange Rate 540 colones = $1 (all amounts are in USD)
. Total Per Day
Transportation* $376.19 $15.67 (this is transportation in-country)
Housing $957.02 $39.88
Food $871.03 $36.29
Entertainment $539.18 $22.47
Gear $95.88 (our subscription to TrustedHousesitters.com)
Postage $8.55
Laundry $16.20
Medical/Pharmacy $28.80 (band-aids and such for Anner’s knee, etc.)
* We are tracking inter-country transportation separately. In the case of Costa Rica, we used credit card points to fly from Atlanta to San Jose on Delta Airlines and spent $115 for the Interbus ride to Panama City, Panama.
If I understand this, the problem is you are sleeping every night.
Well, there was that 24 hour overnight travel extravaganza… but if we could just have a free room every night, it sure would be cheaper!