Two years ago we discovered the amazing Mukilteo Garden and Quilt show. It turns out to be biannual, so naturally we signed up again as soon as we realized this was the year it returned. We took our friends Brook and Byron with us and it was a fantastic day starring beautiful Pacific Northwest gardens with incredible quilts sprinkled about…both works of art in their own right.
I started out taking a couple of snapshots for our moms. Then I thought, ‘bet cousin Amy would love this….and Kami….and Carole…and, and, and, and….’ and finally I just gave in and took a whole bunch of snaps. There were well over 150 quilts, so while it might seem like I took a pic of each one, I did not. I also wasn’t thinking about blogging when I started, so I didn’t document the artist names. Super sorry about that. So without much commentary, here’s a sneak peak into our day long tour.

Five hours and seven gardens after we started, we finally headed home. Only missed two gardens! We could go back today, but I think it’s safe to say we’re saturated. Definitely makes me sit here and stare at my Africa fabrics and imagine the possibilities. Hope you enjoyed the tour and found inspiration of your own.
As a quilter, I LOVE these quilts. Of course, I love the African quilt. Anner, I’ll watch for guinea fowl fabric. I too am a fan of ginkgo trees. But did you know that the females smell bad once they reach at least 15 feet, and there is no way to tell the sex of saplings? So, it make a good thing your attempts didn’t succeed! Thanks for these great photos.
Definitely one of my favorite posts. Don’t QUIT posting!
Debby shared these with me……..what a morning visual treat. so glad you took so many pics!!
WOW! WOW! WOW! Love the quilts and gardens!